Director of SajeImpact and Founder of the Sports Think Tank Andy Reed is working with Groop to host an innovative volunteering conference in Novermber 2019

“We are delighted to invite you to Groop’s Annual Conference, which is taking place at Baden Powell House in London, on 21st November 2019.”

Our conference will explore the culture of volunteering in the UK, and how we can create change within the system.

We want to help organisations who work with volunteers to ensure they keep up with modern lifestyles and benefit from technological developments.

Hosted by Andy Reed, OBE, Director at Saje Impact & Founder of The Sports Think Tank, we have an impressive line-up of expert speakers from a broad range of backgrounds.

We’ll be welcoming DCMS, Scouts, Royal Voluntary Service, Sported, and Essex Local Authority, to explore the culture of volunteering in the UK.

They will discuss:

  • The key things that are required to support changes in approaches to volunteering

  • What needs to change within your organisation/sector to enable the volunteering program and process

  • How we grapple with the opportunities and challenges of moving volunteering strategy into action

  • How people who want to volunteer are encouraged and enabled to help in a capacity that suits them

  • How volunteers and communities receive greater tangible benefits, such as improved health and wellbeing, skills development and employability, community cohesion and engagement

For further details about our event and to book your place, click here.
