Place Based Working


Place Based Working

Partnerships for People and Place (PfPP) was a two-year programme of work funded by HM Treasury via the Shared Outcomes Fund. It ran from February 2021 to March 2023.

It aimed to test a new approach to how government departments undertake ‘place based’ policy design and delivery, by working in 13 places facing social policy challenges which they felt could be better tackled via closer working between central and local government.


Public Opinion and why it matters


Public Opinion and why it matters

When we talk about stakeholders the most important for many politicians will be the public. There are of course many filters like the media, social media, lobby groups etc that sift how the public will perceive a policy, but at the end of the day people’s lived experiences will determine support or otherwise!


Why Complexity Matters


Why Complexity Matters

Twenty-first century policymakers in the UK face a daunting array of challenges: an ageing society, the promises and threats for employment and wealth creation from artificial intelligence, obesity and public health, climate change and the need to sustain our natural environment, and many more. What these kinds of policy challenges have in common is complexity. Their implications spill over and transcend established boundaries between departments, policy domains, sectors and research disciplines.



How Westminster Work - Ian Dunt Book

The session I run at Cranfield is largely THIS book. What lies behind the formal models of policy making, delivery and evaluation is a political system that doesn’t quite work. This book and many of my blogs and teaching try to bring the soft power questions to life. These are situations that defy the formal models loved by academics.


Politics on the Edge.


Politics on the Edge.

This is not quite a full Book Review but a recommendation to read the frustrations Rory Stewart outlines about the way politics works (Or doesn’t work) in the UK.

As I read the book I found myself nodding in agreement at the same observations.


Books and Resources


Books and Resources

Often the things I am traying to say have already been written about and far better than I could manage.

Here are some of my recommendations!


Define what Policy Success Looks like


Define what Policy Success Looks like

Ironically there is little academic literature on policy success!

It is easier for everyone to focus on the failures.

A policy is successful insofar as it achieves the goals that the proponents set out to achieve.

However, only those supportive of the original goals are liable to perceive, with satisfaction, an outcome of a policy success. Opponents are likely to perceive failure, regardless of outcomes because they did not support the original goals.


Working with Cranfield PLP

Working with Cranfield PLP

I teach at Cranfield University Management school on the Project Leadership Programme - highlighting the politics and policy programme behind many of the projects and policies civil servants are asked to deliver by government. I have been capturing the questions and point of view from hundreds of civil servants over the last 4-5 years and applying some of my own thoughts. The mini blogs below are just a taste of the discussions that have taken place.